Firewall : Lagu Stop SOPA PIPA
Lucu mungkin, namun belum tahu apa nanti yang akan terjadi jika benar-benar UU SOPA dan PIPA di Amerika sana diterapkan, apa efeknya dan harus bagaimana. Toh ada lautan luas yang membuat jarak. Juga berapa jumlah developer dan startup yang menginternasional di sini. Sepertinya memang nggak ada kaitannya sama sekali. Ya sebagai lucu-lucu dan berlagak menjadi pengamat sih boleh-boleh saja kan.
Mark Zuckenberg yang punya Facebook itupun ngomong:
Gombal, kalo nggak stop sopa pipa :-)
Mark Zuckenberg yang punya Facebook itupun ngomong:
The internet is the most powerful tool we have for creating a more open and connected world. We can't let poorly thought out laws get in the way of the internet's development. Facebook opposes SOPA and PIPA, and we will continue to oppose any laws that will hurt the internet.Google pun juga protes: Don't censor the web
The world today needs political leaders who are pro-internet. We have been working with many of these folks for months on better alternatives to these current proposals. I encourage you to learn more about these issues and tell your congressmen that you want them to be pro-internet.
You can read more about our views here:
You might notice many of your favorite websites look different today. Wikipedia is down. WordPress is dark. We’re censoring our homepage logo and asking you to petition Congress. So what’s the big deal?Menunggu apa nanti yang akan diputuskan, selain nggak jelas sama kaitannya dengan kita. Karena kejamnya koneksi internet kita memang nggak sepadan jika hanya memikirkan hal ini. Tidak usah pakai SOPA dan PIPA apalagi UU ITE koneksi dan kegunaan internet di masyarakat masih jauh sekali. Beruntung jika punya smartphone dan bisa menggunakan facebook dan media sosial lainnya, itupun masih belum jelas untuk apa bagi pemakainya, selain para pengeruk keuntungan dari kebodohan misalnya dengan membuka jasa pembuatan akun facebook bonus email dan sebagainya.
Right now in Washington D.C., Congress is considering two bills that would censor the web and impose burdensome regulations on American businesses. They’re known as the PROTECT IP Act (PIPA) in the Senate and the Stop Online Piracy Act (SOPA) in the House. Here’s what they’d do:
Fighting online piracy is extremely important. We are investing a lot of time and money in that fight. Last year alone we acted on copyright takedown notices for more than 5 million webpages and invested more than $60 million in the fight against ads appearing on bad sites. And we think there is more that can be done here—like targeted and focused steps to cut off the money supply to foreign pirate sites. If you cut off the money flow, you cut the incentive to steal.
- PIPA & SOPA will censor the web. These bills would grant new powers to law enforcement to filter the Internet and block access to tools to get around those filters. We know from experience that these powers are on the wish list of oppressive regimes throughout the world. SOPA and PIPA also eliminate due process. They provide incentives for American companies to shut down, block access to and stop servicing U.S. and foreign websites that copyright and trademark owners allege are illegal without any due process or ability of a wrongfully targeted website to seek restitution.
- PIPA & SOPA will risk our industry’s track record of innovation and job creation. These bills would make it easier to sue law-abiding U.S. companies. Law-abiding payment processors and Internet advertising services can be subject to these private rights of action. SOPA and PIPA would also create harmful (and uncertain) technology mandates on U.S. Internet companies, as federal judges second-guess technological measures used by these companies to stop bad actors, and potentially impose inconsistent injunctions on them.
- PIPA & SOPA will not stop piracy. These bills wouldn’t get rid of pirate sites. Pirate sites would just change their addresses in order to continue their criminal activities. There are better ways to address piracy than to ask U.S. companies to censor the Internet. The foreign rogue sites are in it for the money, and we believe the best way to shut them down is to cut off their sources of funding. As a result, Google supports alternative approaches like the OPEN Act.
Because we think there’s a good way forward that doesn’t cause collateral damage to the web, we’re joining Wikipedia, Twitter, Tumblr, Reddit, Mozilla and other Internet companies in speaking out against SOPA and PIPA. And we’re asking you to sign a petition and join the millions who have already reached out to Congress through phone calls, letters and petitions asking them to rethink SOPA and PIPA.
Posted by David Drummond, SVP Corporate Development and Chief Legal Officer
Gombal, kalo nggak stop sopa pipa :-)
Firewall - Leah Kauffman
From the first time I signed onto AOL I'd fall underneath your dial-up spell You do something to me, want to be with you always I hoped that we would never see the day SOPA would try to change you, or take you away All the things you've shown me, you make me feel complete Tumblr, Facebook, Vimeo, and Twitter Youtube LolCatz, Ebay, and Flickr Don't put up a firewall when we could have it all Say no to protect IP You won't stop piracy Don't put up a firewall Don't take away my Tumblr You know I want to stop infringing sites But Congress please don't make me give up my rights to friend reblog and follow upload tweet and post All this in the name of property at the expense of the tech community you're threatening our cybersecurity and free speech Zynga, Mozilla, Google, and Yahoo! The coders, the bloggers, the start-ups all get screwed Don't put up a firewall when we could have it all Say no to protect IP You won't stop piracy What is this China? Don't treat me like a rogue site it hurts Don't erase me from your search someone could spend more time in jail than conrad murray for illegally downloading a michael jackson song!
rasanya SOPA ini bakal di tentang habis mas
BalasHapuspurwa madya.... wusana...di internet hora iso buka-bukaan..dunk....
BalasHapusaku kira kalau amerika yang selama ini ingin dijadikan kiblat kebasan berekspresi menerapkan sopa/pipa maka negara negara lain yang belum mau terbuka akan makin pede sensor ini itu :)
BalasHapuscoba kelak apa kata pak menteri kita kalau sopa/pipa jalan di amrik, wkwkwk
pak tif kok belum komen ya *ngikik*
BalasHapusngalamat di jauhi mbah gugel nich
BalasHapussepertinya yg paling dirugikan adalah golongan pengguna internet seperti saya, sudah internetnya lambat, pemblokiran situs2 tertentu dari ISP tertentu mislnya, apalagi ditambah pakai SOPA PIPA itu, entah itu apa, yg penting kalau merugikan, saya tidak dukung, hehe...
BalasHapushahahha,, biasa aja nih, thak informasinya
BalasHapusHhahahaha.. ada2 aja gan.. Salam kenal ya gan..
BalasHapuskita mah ngikut aja deh.terserah nanti mo pke apa
BalasHapuswah kalau sampai uu sopa jadi,hem gimana nih nasib-nasib pecinta gretongan,,
BalasHapusbisa bisa boomin deh gan,,heheheheh
BalasHapussepertinya memang agak susah jika ini memang bener diterapkan. karena UU itu terlalu umum.
BalasHapusI am looking forward to reading new articles. Keep up the good work! Awesome blog. I enjoyed reading. This is truly a great read for me. I have bookmarked it.
BalasHapusthanks for your information,,,
BalasHapusinformasi yang bagus nie,, makasih
BalasHapussemoga UU SOPA/pipa gak bakalan keluar
BalasHapusya semoga,,
informasinya sangat berkwalitas..
BalasHapussusah deh nerapin SOPA/PIPA.. liat ga lama kmrn bbrapa situs musik sama pemerintahan US aja ud d serang hbs2an ma hacker sebagai bentuk protes..
BalasHapusLagu itu waktu aku dengerin asyik juga. Akhirnya SOPA PIPA bisa distop.
BalasHapusmau buka vidoenya kebentur jaringan ..
BalasHapusheuuu kacau.....
Info yg sngat menarik...
BalasHapusMakasih bnyak ...
Lagunya enak juga.
BalasHapussangat bermanfaat , makasih ya.. :)
BalasHapussy ga terlalu ngerti, tp utk kita blogger asal bikin original content ga bakal aa yg berani ganggu dah..itu aj
BalasHapusmakasih gan atas infonya,,,,,,
BalasHapusmenarik gan infonya,,,,,,,
BalasHapussemoga artikelnya sangat bermanfaat,,,,,
woke mas,,,
kokngkrit gannn,,,,,,